
I can go on and on.... There are people who have made me know how precious life is....I keep thanking GOD for whatever life shoved my way. I found strength because hope and gratitude was always in me..According to a quotation i once read.."Gratitude does not mean being thankful only when good things happen. It means being able to look heavenwards even if people threw stones at you... and im always hopeful..I know good things will be coming my way..soon, maybe tomorrow, next week, next year...As i listened to my heart, i discover a beautiful life ahead of me. A future full of PROMISE...I stop worrying, coz if worry rules my day, then i have given in to fear. I also laugh more, than cry. I hold rather than lose my temper. As i thought about my existence, i began to see beyond myself. I realized what a wonderful creation of GOD i am and how i deserve the bounty of heaven's blessings. I know GOD is working in me...slowly guiding me to where i ought to be. I am moving on...Things are fine and i really felt it inside my heart.... Indeed, there's a RAINBOW always after the rain....

T E A R . ...........

It may be one of my lowest time...but what happened has molded my values & formed my perspective in life. I may not always find precise answers to my questions, i have querries for which there are simply no answers and there are some things i may never ever know...but deep inside i keep faith, in time when i least expect it, the truth will be revealed, and it will be the one to set me free. As for now, i just have to let go and let things be...I can say i am braver.....and stronger. I was able to venture far into the dark unknown..I learned to stop a while, and examined my feelings. I think deep and prayed. So much pain have taught me to believe..I thank GOD for showing me the way. Yes, ive learned my lesson...from now on i'm not the person that i used to be..I am no longer the sensitive girl who cries easily..According to my friend i can still be nice but no need for me to go the extra mile...(Many thanks to you...for listening to all my woes and craziness.) I also learned a great deal about reality...I need to be in tune with the times...I just have to understand that everything has a reason..even sadness and pain for there are gems of teaching in every TEAR that falls..........

In PAIN......

I kept asking myself, why bad things were being done to me by people when i had always striven to be good all my life....but then i realize just as joy and happiness are part of life, so too are sadness and HURTS..I remember a quotation i once read, it says, "How can we relish the sweetness of joy, if we will not allow ourselves to taste the bitterness of pain???"... Is it wrong to say "NO"? especially if you know that what you stand for is right??? Growing up, my parents taught me the value of real loving & helping others without expecting something in return. If you want to help, do it out of love, not because your thinking that one day that person will return the favor. I always believe that the more you give it away, the more it comes back to you, its just sad that there are people who does not see things that way..At the moment, im really torn...im hurting but decided to stop asking the unaswerable hows and whys, everything has been said, if only i could turn back time, i wish my family was spared from these..theyre living a quiet life and they have not done anything wrong. But i never regretted anything coz i know i made the right decision and was able to straighten up things along my journey. I believe everything happens for a purpose, that even the most insignificant thing that happens in my life is essential for it sharpens and enhances me for things that are yet to come... Its going to be a long journey for me, I grow up, learn wisdom and accept responsibility for my actions. The lessons i picked up will never be forgotten. Things do not always come out the way we want it..and that is reality. No matter how hard i try and no matter where i go some things are bound to happen, wether i want them or not. God works in mysterious ways!!!!I know that this is His way of teaching me the simple things in LIFE...Im not submerging my hurts...for they will only remain..I have to get over them..and live through the aches...coz IN PAIN...i grow!!!

mY sTrengTh....

Friendship is such a divine gift..and im glad coz ive come to know the greatest friend of my life...the kind friend to all living entities, who has the truest and only unconditional love in this universe & beyond it...JESUS CHRIST..He's always there giving me light & guiding me every step of the way. Everytime i lose faith burdened by my worldly problems, He continues to shine His light down on me .... I may not see HIM but i know He's there..embracing me all the time...all the way..I learn to surrender everything to GOD, letting go of baseless guilt... be empty for HIM so that He may fill me up with worthy things. I thank HIM for the gift of life, a magnificent gift that must be lived to the fullest... Im grateful for all the wonderful blessings that comes my way. I may not always find precise answers to a lot of questions that are bothering me.. but i just take things in stride..decided to take it easy & not insist on finding out the answers too fast...I know i will find out soon enough. All good things will happen in God's own time. I know bigger and brighter things will come, a beautiful life ahead of me. I gave all my worries to GOD..I pray a lot, but ive realized that prayer is not enough...i have to depend totally on HIM. I trust in the Almighty..thanking HIM for being my stronghold...coz despite the harshness of life at times, the STRENGTH i get from HIM is more than sufficient.

Mt. APO Climb

Climbing a mountain requires endurance... but i guess i didn't fully understand what the word "ENDURANCE" means when i and my friends agreed with no hesitation when Joy Caparida-Manliguez, invited us to climb Mt. APO, no less than the highest mountain in the country, with a height of 2954 meters, it is a dormant volcano, with three major peaks & a wide volcanic crater containing the crystal clear Lake Venado. It was 10 years ago....look how time flies. We had our climb Oct. 21-24, 1999. It was Mt. Apo Eco Challenge & MOU signing, which took place @ Mt. Apo Peak. We took the Bobong Trek..our jump-off point was Bongolanon Falls. While hiking through thick mossy forests & steep trails...questions comes to my mind... why am i doing these?, who told me to be here??.. nobody but ME..so during those times i wanted to give up , i have no choice but to go on..there's no turning back... The hardest part was when we were havin' the night trek. It was me, honey, joy & two others (i cant recall their names). I kept on crying then..out of fear and hunger..but all i could remember was we were eating corned beef in the dark. I feel exhausted. It was almost 12 midnight when we finally reached the first campsite..As the sun rises, we started trekking again...these time its different, youve got to see a lot of species.. & you'll appreciate God's creation more.. We became Justify Fullmore excited of what's next...till we reached Lake Venado. After havin some sightseeing & picture taking we were advised to take our rest early in preparation for our final trek the following day. As we begun our journey to the peak, the trail became harder...plus OMG..my hiking shoes give in...so i have no choice but to hike bare foot. I just have to ignore the muds, the stones, rough terrain, etc...& thanked GOD i survived.... Upon reaching the PEAK i was speechless...whew nature simply takes your breath away...I find personal attainment....that once in my life i was able to conquer these beautiful mountain who deserves every visitors full respect. I feel so blessed that i had the chance to reached one of God's wonderful artwork....

My First Adventure

I was in my senior year in college then...That was 14 years ago. My friend Lanette Oculam-Secretario asked us to join a hiking at Brgy. Epol in Marilog District, Davao City, i guess that was organized by the rotaract club. We join without second thoughts, not asking permission from our parents... because if we did, they wont allow us for sure, LOL... not knowing what lies ahead and where that adventure will lead us... As a young and vibrant individuals we are excited to take it..And oh !!!! to my surprise, its not as easy as i thought it would be..."EASIER SAID THAN DONE"...it's not just simply hiking..it's a kinda' sort of a mountain climbing.... Indeed an adventure!!!!At first the trail was gentle, then we go cascading the whole day and for me that was the hardest part and the most tiring one...then came the steep mountain trails... and finally we reached the magnificent waterfalls...And once there all you could utter was "WOW", ...all the hardships are gone as we enjoyed the scenic view.... thanking the Good Lord for the chance to see one of His great creation!!!!

simply ME....

Hi everyone....here i am, a rookie in a blogger's world...Actually i'm hesitant to sign up for these one...basically because i'm the silent type...im choosy with whom to share my thoughts with..and i'm not comfortable on sharing what i feel to anyone..and havin' a hectic schedule i can hardly update my account on FS, Multiply, WAYN, etc...coz lately ive been very persistent with my farming in FB, hahahaha...But my dear friend GEN..whom i fondly called softspoken ( how i wish i am as softspoken as she is, but im not..tsk tsk...)kept on insisting that i should have one...she never gets tired of asking me where's my blog na?, sayang daw kasi im a gypsy person...so i decided to give it a try....Sis...these account is made because of you...and so my JO_urney begins....... Who am i?....Some say i'm snob & unapproachable..to some i'm sweet & friendly, but do they really know me???.. By nature, i'm touchy, i'm easily hurt but still determined to fight back & that's what an AQUARIAN should be...I'm the secretive type but also adventurous.I'm fond of reading books , a music & nature lover. I love to travel, always yearning for far away places..I'm a girl with simple dreams... who believes that life with all its frustrations is still worthliving. So i just live one day at a time trying to have a simple but happy life, with the guidance & love of God Almighty. So i'l keep on going. Be the best person that i can be.....

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